By Cathy Lawhon
As 50th anniversary parties go, this one was golden.
UCI’s Festival of Discovery, a daylong celebration of good health, great art, global impact and innovation had Aldrich Park hopping Saturday, Oct. 3, from the 7 a.m. badge pickup for the Family Fun Run to the closing of the last booth after 3 p.m.
Here’s a by-the-numbers tally of the day:
10,000: Preliminary estimate of attendees
2,400: Cupcakes handed out to the crowd in honor of UCI’s 50th birthday
1,500: Shaken Shakespeare performances enacted
802: Racers who signed up for the Anteater 5K & Family Fun Run
40: Seats in the My Virtual Dream tent sponsored by the School of Medicine and Department of Neurology (There were more than 80 people in line at one point.)
12: Hours by which the event escaped the rain
Inestimable: Memories created
View full Festival of Discovery coverage, including social media posts, on Storify.