50th Anniversary Book


Our campus and its people are sources of boundless stories of innovation, inspiration, discovery and triumph.

This proud history – and our vision for future growth and global impact – has been chronicled in a beautiful 176-page book commemorating our 50th anniversary. UCI contracted local writers, photographers and London-based Third Millennium Information to publish our story. It is now printed and available through The UC Irvine Marketplace for you to proudly own.

We know you will enjoy paging through the past and revisiting the people and events that made UCI the best university under 50 in the US (as named by Times Higher Education) and looking forward with us to an even greater future.

About the Book

Running through the history of UCI is an entrepreneurial attitude of mind which has propelled the university forward at considerable speed and very largely under its own steam. This book explores how UCI has transformed ‘from ranch to research institution’ in a mere half century. It examines the importance and the evolution of the relationship with Orange County and the City of Irvine, as symbolized by the Ray Watson Bridge, linking the city with the university.

As a young institution UC Irvine is not particularly defined by historical traditions – indeed there are few. Instead it is defined by its incredible people – students, alumni, faculty, and staff – and by the characteristic of self-reliance and the belief in shaping one’s own destiny.

For this exciting project, we commissioned two experienced authors to provide a comprehensive account of the origins and development of UCI, its continuing role in today’s world and its ambitions for the future.



Ranch of Destiny
This section provides a chronological narrative of UCI’s history from its foundation to the present day.


Concrete Inspiration
The evolution of the campus begins in the central park and includes the School of Medicine, the new teaching hospital in Orange City, the demolition of the Frank Gehry building, the Engineering Hall sustainability award, and a photographic appreciation of the architecture by Ansel Adams.


Bucking Academic Tradition
A book chronicling the history of an educational institution such as UCI is not complete without a substantial section on academic excellence and achievement and how we do things differently.


‘You make your own future here’
This section looks at the rhythm of daily life at UCI from the perspective of the student body past and present. Organized by theme, chapter subjects include: sport and recreation, including the Anteater mascot; racial and cultural diversity; student activism; housing and living arrangements; entertainment, clubs and societies; legends and lore.


Campus as Catalyst
This section describes the university’s current global impact within the context of its historic strengths. In doing that, this final section positions UCI as a university with vision and reach, a university that is firmly rooted in the future as much as it is anchored by the past and present.

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About the Publisher


Based in London, Third Millennium Publishing is a leading international publisher of high-quality illustrated portraits and histories of great institutions, with an extensive portfolio of titles with clients from a broad range of sectors, including education, the military, the law, business, sports, museums and libraries, and religious organizations.TMP also publishes its own list of illustrated non-fiction books, specializing in history, heritage and the arts. All TMP titles are characterized by an artisan approach to publishing books of exceptional beauty and quality.In the U.S., TMP’s client list includes UCLA and Pepperdine University, while anniversary publications for MIT Sloan School of Management and Rutgers are in preparation.